
Live2D Cubism Editor Crack Record



笔者使用的是 MacOS 版本的 Live2D Cubism Editor 5.1


按照常规思路,找找这个软件的许可证放在哪,翻了一下发现在 /Library/Application Support/Live2D/Cubism License 这个目录下

试试删除,然而 live2d_editorE.lic 在软件重启后仍然会自动生成


# This license created by RLM Internet Activation

看来是联网激活的,随后在网上找到一个仓库 RLM_1221_Mod 包含有对 Live2D Cubism Editor 的 RLM Crack

尝试直接用仓库里的 rlm1603.jar 替换 /Applications/Live2D Cubism 5.1/res/rlm1603.jar,发现软件打不开

后来才看到有 SHA-256 检验,这里作者提供了两种方式解除检验

  • As they added file SHA-256 check, we have to patch the main jar
  • Use jadx and other tools to locate the CEAppDef file (in it's g.class)
  • modify the checksum (using 010 editor or other tool, original checksum is 6b80a0f06acb44524d65d72edf4a097062f41edab54a53063f926d553f9647fa)
  • Remove the .RSA .SF and MANIFEST.MF file in META-INF
  • Move back the main jar and the rlm1221.jar
  • Done~ just enjoy!
  • As they added the SHA-256 check, we can also change the .bat file
  • Modify the CLASS_PATH, rename the app\lib\rlm1221.jar to rlm1221_mod
  • Also modify your jar file to rlm1221_mod.jar and copy that into app\lib
  • Change all 4 .bat files and you are ready to go
  • LOL



  1. 找到 /Applications/Live2D Cubism 5.1/res/CubismEditor.cfg

  2. app.classpath=$APPDIR/rlm1603.jar 替换为 app.classpath=$APPDIR/rlm1603_mod.jar

  3. 把仓库内的rlm1603.jar 改名为 rlm1603_mod.jar, 放入 /Applications/Live2D Cubism 5.1/res

大功告成, Enjoy it